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Building marketing models that scale

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Marketing has transformed in the past several years. Using AI tools now helps deliver relevant content to relevant users quickly.

New york Times

As we usher into the new age of marketing where AI and humans collaborate together to help businesses succeed around the world, scaling workflows and making them available at all times becomes a challenge. With so many channels, tools and systems to choose from and a fast growing digital landscape, building a marketing model that is effective and scalable is more important than ever. In this blog, we’ll explore how to start creating a workflow with the right tools to reach a wider audience, drive growth and succeed in achieving business targets.

Understanding TAM

Target audience research

The very first step in creating a marketing model is to understanding your goals. In marketing context, this has got to do with who are your audience and what will they get out of it. Demographics research, buying behavior, and preferences of your audience is crucial before beginning the process of marketing. This helps you to create a strategy that not only resonates with them but also scalable effectively.

Define your objectives

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience and your TAM, you need to set your marketing goals. This might include increasing brand awareness for a new brand, generating leads, or boosting sales. Your marketing objectives will dictate the type of marketing activities you need to undertake, so it’s important to get this step right.

Choosing the right channels & tools

With your target audience and marketing objectives in mind, you need to select the channels and tools that will help you reach them effectively. This might include email marketing, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), or content marketing. When choosing channels, consider the audience size, level of engagement, and cost.

Its also equally necessary to use the right tools and software to communicate, create, manage and report your marketing activities. Choosing the right tools from the start helps the team and your clients in the long term. Be it choosing the right team management software, chat application or project management tool.

Measure and optimize

It’s important to measure and report marketing efforts regularly. This will help you to see what is working and optimize and make adjustments as needed. This includes tracking your website traffic, conversion rates, and customer behavior. With the right data, you can make informed decisions about what to change, how to improve, and what to scale

Automate & Iterate

Scaling marketing efforts requires a lot of repetition and consistency. To make this easier, you should look for ways to automate your marketing activities. Email automation, social media scheduling, etc are some examples. Automation will not only save time, but it will also helps bring efficiency in marketing and bring growth with consistent efforts.

Digital MarketingProduct growth

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Amruth Rodrigues
Amruth Rodrigues

💻 Amruth Rodrigues, CEO of Tikanga. Software developer with a passion for 💡system design and all things tech!🤖 Writes about new technology, product design and building brands.

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